Thursday, January 25, 2018

23/365 - PATRIOT

I had always been one to stay within my comfort zone - afraid to step into unchartered territories, for fear of failure. That all changed a few years ago when I ran for (and won) an elected office. It is unlike anything I ever thought I'd do, and has paid off massive dividends for my school division and for my personal growth.

The single most intimidating thing for me was engaging with my elected officials to advocate for public education. After settling into my new role, I realized "Well, they're just regular folk like me" (for the most part).

I put myself out there and advocated hard at both the state and federal levels, and have gained great insight into the legislative process. Generally, it's a "banging your head against a brick wall" process, but there are also pockets of true reverence and positive intent. Now, I actually enjoy my time at the Capitol. I'm educated on the issues. I advocate passionately. And I engage in meaningful conversations. Today was top-notch!

You know you're doing something right when THEY ask YOU for a favor...

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